Code to Send data to webpage via I2C from Ardunio and PI
echo "<br>";
echo $Device;
echo $Sensor_name1;
echo $Sensor_Humidity1;
echo "<br>";
//$datetime = time();
$servername = "localhost";
$database = "";
$username = "";
$password = "";
// Create connection
$con = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $database);
$sql = "INSERT INTO weather (sensorlocation, sensortype, temp, humidity, unixtime) VALUES ('" . $sensorlocation . "', '" . " $sensortype " . "','" . $temp . "','" . $humidity . "' ,'" . $unixtime . "')";
//$sql = "INSERT INTO weather (sensorlocation, sensortype, temp, humidity) VALUES ('" . $sensorlocation . "', '" . " $sensortype " . "','" . $temp . "','" . $humidity . "')";
//$sql = "INSERT INTO temp (sensorlocation, sensortype, temp, humidity, time) VALUES ('" . $sensorlocation . "', '" . " $sensortype " . "','" . $temp . "','" . $humidity . "','" . $datetime . "')";
//$sql = "INSERT INTO temp (sensorlocation, sensortype, temp, humidity, time) VALUES ('" . $Device . "', '" . " $Sensor_name1 " . "','" . $Sensor_Humidity1 . "','" . $Sensor_Temp1 . "','" . $datetime . "','" . $Sensor2_name2 . "','" . $Sensor2_Humidity2 . "','" . $Sensor2_Temp2 . "','" . $avgtemp. "','" . $avghum . "')";
echo "<br>";
echo $sql;
echo "<br>";
//echo $con;
echo "<br>";
if (mysqli_query($con, $sql)) {
echo "New record created successfully";
} else {
echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . mysqli_error($con);
echo "<br>";
echo "error";